CMS02: Design Thinking Mastery for Corporate Management

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About Course

1.1.     Introduction:

  • Skill: Mastery of Design Thinking for effective management and innovation.
  • Led by: Ir Prof Alan Lam at Gravity Academy.
  • Aim: Equip senior managers with design thinking skills to foster creative problem-solving and enhance corporate strategy.

1.2.     Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Design Thinking
  2. Empathy in Design Thinking
  3. Defining Problems Clearly
  4. Ideation Techniques and Tools
  5. Prototyping Best Practices
  6. Testing and Iterative Improvement
  7. Integrating Design Thinking in Corporate Strategy
  8. Design Thinking for Product Development
  9. User-Centered Design Principles
  10. Managing Innovation Teams
  11. Measuring Design Thinking Outcomes
  12. Real-World Applications and Case Studies

1.3.     Course Overview:

This course aims to provide senior management with the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary to implement Design Thinking within their organizations effectively. Through a combination of theoretical lectures, practical workshops, and real-world case studies, participants will learn how to utilize Design Thinking to solve complex business problems, innovate, and drive strategic initiatives.

1.4.     The Curriculum:

  • Introduction to Design Thinking:
    • Understanding the concept and importance of Design Thinking in today’s business environment.
    • Historical context and evolution of Design Thinking principles.
  • Empathy in Design Thinking:
    • Techniques for developing a deep understanding of customer needs and experiences.
    • Methods to cultivate empathy within a corporate setting.
  • Defining Problems Clearly:
    • Techniques for framing and defining business problems accurately.
    • The importance of problem definition in the innovation process.
  • Ideation Techniques and Tools:
    • Brainstorming methods and tools to generate a multitude of ideas.
    • Structured ideation sessions and creativity enhancement techniques.
  • Prototyping Best Practices:
    • Steps to develop prototypes quickly and effectively.
    • Importance of rapid prototyping in validating ideas.
  • Testing and Iterative Improvement:
    • Methods for testing prototypes and gathering feedback.
    • Continuous improvement through iteration based on user feedback.
  • Integrating Design Thinking in Corporate Strategy:
    • Aligning Design Thinking with corporate goals and initiatives.
    • Roadmaps for embedding Design Thinking into corporate culture.
  • Design Thinking for Product Development:
    • Applying Design Thinking to streamline product development processes.
    • Enhancing product innovation and user satisfaction.
  • User-Centered Design Principles:
    • Principles and practices of User-Centered Design (UCD).
    • Ensuring solutions address real user needs and experiences.
  • Managing Innovation Teams:
    • Strategies for building and managing diverse innovation teams.
    • Fostering collaboration and creativity within teams.
  • Measuring Design Thinking Outcomes:
    • Metrics and KPIs to evaluate the impact of Design Thinking initiatives.
    • Tools for measuring success and demonstrating value.
  • Real-World Applications and Case Studies:
    • Analysis of successful Design Thinking implementations in various industries.
    • Learning from real-world examples and best practices.

1.5.     The Instructor:

Ir Prof Alan Lam: A seasoned expert in corporate management and innovation, Prof Lam brings a wealth of practical experience and theoretical knowledge to the course. His leadership and teaching blend real-world insights with academic rigor, ensuring that participants gain applicable skills and understanding.

1.6.     Why Choose This Course:

  • Expert guidance by Prof Alan Lam.
  • Comprehensive and actionable content tailored for senior management.
  • Engaging and interactive learning formats, including workshops and case studies.
  • Access to a robust network of peers and industry leaders.

1.7.     What Will You Obtain:

  • Mastery of Design Thinking principles and their application in business contexts.
  • Enhanced creative problem-solving skills. – Ability to foster a customer-centric approach within your organization.
  • Knowledge on how to lead and manage innovation teams effectively.
  • Tools and techniques to integrate Design Thinking into corporate strategy.
  • Insight into real-world applications and successful case studies.

1.8.     Suitable Candidate:

  • Senior management and corporate teams at large organizations.
  • Executives responsible for strategic planning and innovation.
  • Product development managers and team leaders.
  • Professionals looking to enhance their creative problem-solving capabilities and drive innovation within their companies.

What Will You Learn?

  • Mastery of Design Thinking principles and their application in business contexts.
  • Enhanced creative problem-solving skills. - Ability to foster a customer-centric approach within your organization.
  • Knowledge on how to lead and manage innovation teams effectively.
  • Tools and techniques to integrate Design Thinking into corporate strategy.
  • Insight into real-world applications and successful case studies.

Course Content

In the fast-paced and competitive world of startups, founders are constantly seeking innovative methods to carve out a niche for their businesses. "Design Thinking Mastery for Startup Founders" is a comprehensive guide that equips entrepreneurial minds with a powerful framework for problem-solving and innovation. This book demystifies the concept of Design Thinking—a human-centered approach to developing products, services, and experiences that resonate with users.Starting with an introductory chapter that lays the foundation for what Design Thinking entails, the book quickly delves into its core principles. Chapter 2, "Empathy: The Heart of Design Thinking," emphasizes the importance of understanding the user's needs and experiences. Subsequent chapters guide the reader through the iterative Design Thinking process, from "Problem Definition: Framing and Reframing" to "Ideation: Creative Solution Generation," then "Prototyping: Making Ideas Tangible," and "Testing: Learning through Feedback." Each stage is presented with actionable steps and strategies tailored to the unique environment of startups.Further chapters focus on the practical application of Design Thinking in the startup journey. Chapter 7 discusses the integration of Design Thinking into the startup culture, while Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 expand on creating user-centric products and innovating business models, respectively. Chapter 10 explores how storytelling and pitching can be enhanced through Design Thinking, providing founders with a compelling way to engage investors and stakeholders.In Chapter 11, the book takes a forward-thinking approach, addressing the critical aspect of sustainability in Design Thinking practices. Finally, Chapter 12 offers insights into the future of Design Thinking in the startup ecosystem, preparing founders to not only adapt to the current landscape but also to shape it."Design Thinking Mastery for Startup Founders" serves as both an introduction for newcomers and a deep dive for seasoned entrepreneurs. It provides the tools and mindset necessary to foster a culture of innovation, create meaningful products, and achieve success in the startup world.

  • MS02-Textbook
  • MS02 – In Class Exercise

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