Empowering Corporate Management and Startup Founders

At Gravity Academy, we understand the unique challenges that startup founders and management face on their entrepreneurial journey. That’s why we have developed a comprehensive initiative aimed at providing consulting services and training specifically tailored to meet the needs of startups.

"Innovate with Impact: We aim to empower entrepreneurs to transform vision into impact through Gravity Academy."

– Ir Prof Alan Lam –

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Learning often happens in lectures but it doesn’t have to. Through Gravity Academy, we are happy to facilitate learning experiences by outcome-based co-working lectures.

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Outcome-based Consultancy and Training Courses

At Gravity Academy, we understand that the path to business success is multifaceted, demanding a blend of visionary leadership, strategic management, refined business acumen, and cutting-edge technological proficiency. Our comprehensive curriculum is meticulously crafted to cover every angle of modern entrepreneurship and corporate management, offering a depth and breadth of knowledge that is unparalleled. Here, we introduce the diverse array of courses designed to elevate and transform businesses and their leaders.

Co-work Tasks
Advisory Hours
Teaching Documents

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